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כל הזמן מקבלים הודעות ספאם?
רוצים להחזיר את השליטה על הזמן והקשב שלכם ולקבל פיצוי?

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כלי אנטי ספאם במימון הקרן לתובענות ייצוגיות
מורידים את האפליקציה, עונים על כמה שאלות, מפיקים מכתב התראה למפר ושולחים בקלות. 

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Accessible, affordable, easy-to-use, and human-centered virtual legal service that combats spam and generates  sustainable revenue

What's the problem?

  • Spam calls, SMSs, and emails disrupt and pose risks to individuals' attention and well-being.

  • Spam e-mails were estimated to account for around 90% of total email traffic in 2014.

  • Between mid-2020 and early 2021, the average daily e-mail spam volume was about 122 billion.

  • The law in Israel, as in the US, prohibits most forms of spam. However, the average victim often remains passive due to various challenges: Lack of awareness about the violation, Insufficient resources to take action, Intimidation by bureaucratic processes, and limited social capital for support

Consequently, the problem at hand is the lack of effective enforcement of individuals' rights.

JustLaw solved this!

To download our App press here

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